Friday, July 19, 2019

Abdulrahman M Abu-yaman redux


Sharp and piercing!
glamorous and glowing!
Her presence is impossible
to catch you unattentioned.
She carries the complexion of the
streams that flow in our pipelines.
Sometimes scary and
very dangerous.

A perfect gentleman,
cool, calm and collected.
He stretches across the globe,
gives our roofing envelope its description,
and reflects on the deep seas.
He's made several appearances on social networks

Bold and resilient!
A glance at the botanic realm
reveals his presence. He symbolizes
life and growth. Plus, a sign of

Meeker than a lamb,
bright and plain,
spotless and immaculate.
She portrays peace and

He holds a wild reputation.
Close your eyes if you wish to see him.
He conceals anything. Taking a break
in the day to appear in the night
Often frightening and terrific to
young bloods. None of his brethren
have thicker roots, save
Apollo and Artemis -- Daviddrawsandpaints

1 comment:

  1. The titans Coeus and Phoebe were the parents of the chaste sisters Leto and Asteria, both of whom were sexually pursued by Zeus. Asteria transformed herself into a quail (ortux) to escape Zeus-as-eagle and plunged into the Aegean sea, where Zeus’ brother Poseidon pursued her. She transformed herself into the floating island Ortygia. Leto was less fortunate and became pregnant. Zeus’ consort Hera sent a serpent after Leto to vex her and caused all lands to shun her to keep her from finding a place to deliver her twin babies. At the command of Zeus, Boreas the north wind took Leto to Ortygia, which was not attached to the ocean floor and therefore not considered to be land, where she gave birth to Artemis. Then Artemis helped her mother through 9 days of labor until her brother Apollo emerged from the womb. When Apollo was 4 days old he demanded a bow and arrows, which Hephaestus created for him, and he immediately set out in pursuit of the serpent that had tormented Leto and slew it in the shrine of Gaia’s oracle at Delphi. Gaia had Apollo exiled to Crete as punishment, where Pan, the goat-legged god of the flock and herds, taught him the art of prophecy. He soon supplanted Gaia at Delphi. When Artemis was 3 she asked Zeus for a bow and arrows of her own (which the Cyclopes forged for her), as well as the gift of eternal virginity. When Hera sent another of Zeus’ bastard children, the giant Tityos, to rape Leto, the twins shot and killed him. In Hades, the giant sprawled “over nine acres—two vultures / hunched on either side of him, digging into his liver, / beaking deep in the blood-sac, and he with his frantic hands / could never beat them off” (Homeros, “Odyssey,” tr. Robert Fagles) ;in the 2nd century Pausanias described a picture by the 5th-century BCE painter Polygnotos that depicted him as “no longer being punished, but has been reduced to nothing by continuous torture, an indistinct and mutilated phantom." When Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus, boasted of having more and better children than Leto, the twins killed her children in revenge. Both of them had the ability to send plagues upon mortals. Apollo was ever thwarted in his own amorous pursuits but fathered more than a dozen children by at least 9 partners. Artemis was the goddess of the wild hunt, while Apollo was charged with protecting herds of cattle. But while both twins had distinctive traits and personalities, they alike jealous maintained their sense of entitlement and ruthlessly punished anyone who they thought challenged or neglected it.
