Sunday, July 28, 2019

Adesola Oladoja, Oreoluwa Elujulo redux


Abike come let us reminisce the old days
Let us visit the old ways
Days when moon was our only light
And we pray quick come the nights

Akanni let's forget about our needs
Talk about our kids
Sing to old rhythms
The beats in our hearts

I still long for those times
Wish we had the air of those climes
When maami gladly sent you
On errands with less worried issues

The joy of each stolen moment
Away from movements
Kept in secret
Even from our friends

Yea.. The whispers
The dance steps out of view
The play round the odan tree
Whilst moonlight stories trend

The music of the crickets
The screeches of the owl
The croaking of the frogs
Mixed with our entwined heart beats

Fill my fingers with yours
Make me feel that impulse
Come nearer to my heart
Hear its silent beats for you

Your smile stops my search for eternity
Heaven lies in your arms
There I'll gladly spend my years
Basking in the bliss therein

I have found a shelter
Here in your bosom
Every other will falter
You alone are my desire

1 comment:

  1. Abike is a Yoruba name meaning "Born to treasure." Akanni is "Our meeting brings gifts." The odan, a variety of fig, is widely employed as a shade tree, but its value in this regard is often diminished because goats eat its leaves, so there is a Yoruba proverb: "Ewe odan seju be lo, eran lo fi je" (odan leaves are valuable but are eventually eaten up by goats).
