Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gerard Sarnat writes


i. summer honey don’t, autumn honeydew

every October
I write a haiku how they're
best during this month

ii. when are winter melons ripe?

my wife,
casabas decked out and aimed on the hood of

our old Buick, she still likes to watch meteor
far out
of town
away from
bright lights
Image result for at night buick paintings
That Night on Walters Hill -- Mike Hill

1 comment:

  1. Buick is the oldest extant automobile brand in the US. David Dunbar Buick was a plumbing goods merchant and inventor whose interest in internal combustion engines led to the neglect of his business, leading to its dissolution. The resultant capital and freedom allowed him to establish the Buick Auto-Vim and Power Company in 1899 to produce agricultural engines. But again his obsession with developing an entire car and his concentration on research and development at the expense of manufacturing and sales led to the exhaustion of his capital by 1902. Although engineer Walter Marr invented the overhead valve engine and made 2 vehicles, he left in 1901 and founded the Marr auto Car Company in 1903 (his factory and 14 of his cars were destroyed by fire in 1904). With Marr's replacement Eugene Richard, Buick started the Buick Manufacturing Co. in 1902. once again he ran out of money but found new financing, founded the Buick Motor Co. in 1903. Richard created the 3rd Buick automobile but did not move to Flint, Michigan, when his boss relocated in 1904, and Marr was rehired. Under Marr's direction, Buick made 37 automobiles that year and steadily increased production, becoming the largest manufacturer in 1908 with 8,800 of them. Meanwhile, William C. Durant, who had made a fortune manufacturing carriages, became the controlling investor. In 1906 Buick accepted a generous severance package and 1 share of stock, which Durant bought. (After unsuccessful investments in California oil and Florida land, and an attempt to manufacture carburetors, in 1921 Buick became president of the short-lived Lorraine Motors Corporation, but it went out of business in 1922. He then became an instructor at the Detroit School of Trades and died in near-poverty in 1929.) In 1908 Durant leveraged his ownership of Buick to form General Motors as a holding company. He acquired the Olds Motor Vehicle Co. in 1908 and the Cadillac Automobile Co. and other firms in 1909, but, due to the large amount of debt taken on in GM acquisitions, he
    was forced out by the banks that held the escrow account trust.
