Saturday, July 27, 2019

Glory Sasikala writes


Thank you
For welcoming me into your world
That will never be mine -
For that glimpse of a Heaven
Ruled by a different Sun.

I've tried to so hard 
To splinter my brain
In twos and threes
To help hallucinate 
A reality
Even striving foolishly
To preserve and treasure
The stagnant waters 
Of your precious misquotes.
Collecting gratefully
Your impersonally distributed
Bits of happiness
And calling them my own.

My mind has sought
To reflect yours
In silhouettes of 
Considered possibilities.

Wheels move after wheels
And some more wheels follow
On parallel lines of different destinations - 
And yet
We still persist in following
Step by step
Step by step
This confusing math
Of miscalculations.
 Maya, the Illusion pts 1 & 2 -- Ella Prakash

1 comment:

  1. Maya ("the measurer" in Sanskrit' "not this") is the sense-world of manifold phenomena that conceals the unity of absolute being,
    the power in creation by which limitations and divisions seem to exist in the comic oneness that is true reality; the physical world operates under one fundamental law (maya, the principle of relativity and duality).

    Illusion works impenetrable,
    Weaving webs innumerable,
    Her gay pictures never fail,
    Crowds each on other, veil on veil,
    Charmer who will be believed
    By Man who thirsts to be deceived.

    --Ralph Waldo Emerson
