Saturday, July 20, 2019

J. D. Nelson writes

hovercraft vestibule raccoon
frontier apple! 

is that a true insect? 

this is the back pocket comb 

earth is the bathing planet 

you need that mega-uploader 

earth has salads
Image result for back pocket comb painting


  1. As a teenager in Germany, Kim Schmitz claimed that, as "Kimble" (on the 1963-1967 American TV series "The Fugitive" Richard Kimble was a doctor who was on the lam for a murder he didn't commit) he had bypassed the security of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Defense, and Citibank and that he had hacked corporate private branch exchange systems in the US and would sell their access codes at $200 each. In 1994, at 20, he was convicted of 11 counts of computer fraud, 10 counts of data espionage, and other charges but received a 2-year suspended sentence because he was underage at the time the crimes were committed. After making a fortune in insider stock trading he fled to Thailand to avoid investigation and called himself "His Royal Highness King Kimble the First, Ruler of the Kimpire." After pretending to kill himself online he was extradited to Germany, where he pleaded guilty of embezzlement and received a 20-month suspended sentence. After moving to Hong Kong, in 2005 he changed his name to Kim Dotcom and founded Megaupload, which became 1 of the world's 3 most successful file hosting services. The US Department of Justice seized it in 2012 and began criminal data piracy cases against Dotcom, and Hong Kong froze more than $39 million in company assets. He was arrested and briefly imprisoned in Mt Eden Prison in Auckland, then waged a number of successful legal actions against police and court procedures against him. In 2012 he founded MEGA, a new file storage service that uses file encryption to prevent the company from knowing the content of uploaded data (and thus establishing a claim of plausible deniability). He founded the Internet Party in 2014 and made the largest personal contribution to a political party in New Zealand's history (NZ$3.5 million) to fund it, but the party failed to win any seats in 2 elections. In 2017 a New Zealand judge ruled that Dotcom should be extradited to the US but he remains at liberty in New Zealand pending an appeal.
