Thursday, August 15, 2019

Michael Brownstein writes


That year spring did not come to Mid-Missouri.
My hair flowed into curls and arcs
so thick the sounds of the ocean vibrated through them.

In line at the video store the lady said, 
I listen to all kinds of music. I have five mixed children 
at home and he answered, The shoes I’m wearing 
are the best. They lasted me four years already 
and she asked, What videos would you recommend? 
and he said, My cell phone doesn’t get service in this town.

The day in thunderstorms,
nagging rain, angry, full of hail and issues
and the dogs cowered under the bed whimpering.

I asked a friend to cut my hair and she told me 
she liked it long. But I need for it to be cut, 
I answered, It’s altogether too noisy.
Gothaer Liebespaar (Pair of Lovers) -- Hausbuchmeister (master of the housebook)

1 comment:

  1. The "Master of the Housebook" was a 15th-century painter/engraver whose watercolor drawings in the housebook (sketchbook) were eventuallyacquired by the Waldburg-Wolfegg family. (They sold it in 2008 for 20 million euros). His paintings are extremely rare (and their attribution in dispute), but 91 of his prints are extant, and he may have been the 1st engraver to use drypoint, a printmaking technique in which an image is incised into a copper plate ("matrix") with a hard-pointed "needle" of sharp metal or diamond point; unlike an engraving, the raised ridge along the furrow is not scraped or filed away, and the use of the needle is closer to using a pencil than an engraver's burin.
