Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Mike Zone writes

Poor strung-out Christ

Shooting heroin into himself
under the statue of himself, right beneath the feet
inside the church on Freemason Avenue
wearing an army jacket and jeans
talking about moderation
as King Josiah hides under a truck
after smoking pot
staring at a feral cat
the cat stares back
scurries away
Pete the Disciple vending tacos
“Glad I didn’t get into all that New Wave shit.”
“all in the name of moderation”
two Marys of a different sort say
to no one in particular
on two different street corners
after having switched places
and no one really notices
passing between destinations
failed dreams, skeptical desolation
but that’s acceptance
rejecting cynicism
in the realm of positive thinking
 [postcard] -- André Vaury-Caille

1 comment:

  1. Jesus was the son of God, according to Christians. His mother was the virgin Mary. His chief disciple was St. Peter, originally a fisherman named Shimʿon bar Yonah but was called "Kepha" (rock or stone, including jewel) in Aramaic -- translated as "Petrus" in Latin. The "Gospel of Matthew" traced Jesus' genealogy and included the 7th-century king of Judah, Josiah (Yoshiyahu), who instituted major religious reforms and compiling important Hebrew scriptures that established the basis of Judaism. "New Age" is a diverse range of esoteric spiritual and religious beliefs that developed in the UK in the 1970s and then became widely popular in the US; adherents typically believe in a holistic form of divinity that imbues the entire universe and exalts the spiritual authority of the self. After a period of spiritual degeneracy, humanity is entering an Age of Aquarius when "peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars" (as expressed in "Aquarius," the opening song of the 1967 musical "Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical" by Gerome Ragni, James Rado, and Galt MacDermot; the sow was controversial due to its depiction of the use of illegal drugs, its treatment of sexuality, and other attitudes associated with the counter-culture of the times).

    Vaury-Caille displayed his painting of prostitution on Coin de Reboul in Marseille at the Salon des Indépendant established as an alternative to the rigid traditionalism of the official government-sponsored salon held by the Académie des Beaux-Arts.
