Saturday, August 24, 2019

Suresh Chandra Dwivedi writes

Mother Earth
     ( For Hon. Achut Samant )  

Earth is the best place for love and world peace. 

Lord Jagannath whispered this truth in my ears.
When I visited Lord Jagannath temple five years ago.
He often talks to me with love and affection.
Earth is the best place for brotherhood.
Earth is the best place for friendship.
Earth is the best place for equality.
It fills our heart, mind, soul with Karun Rasa.
Earth is the best place for Democratic values.
Earth is full of sympathy and empathy.
Earth is of many colours and many peoples.
But she is the mother of all of us. 
Earth teaches us virtues and morality.
She loves our children and grandchildren.
Oceans are like her green sari.
and mountains are her breast.
Earth teaches us to end all wars, and terrorism .
Casteism, favouritism, vanshavad, communalism and nepotism.
Mother Earth treats all her children equally.
Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Dalits, Girijan and Backwards.
She offers her nectar like milk to all of us.
She makes no distinction between man and woman nation and nation.
Earth teaches us to be modest and tolerant.
She is orderly and arranged like a beautiful painting.
Regularise and organise like her O friends!
Thank you Mother Earth! for giving us a comfortable berth.
Earth moves round the Sun.
And Sun kisses her beautiful face daily early in the morning.
Earth is the beloved of Lord Vishnu.
I seek permission from my mother for padasparsh.
Our liberal mother permits us to play, run, jump and enjoy  ourselves on her body

1 comment:

  1. Jagannath (“Lord of the Universe”)is a non-sectarian deity though he is considered an avatar of Vishnu, a form of Ganesh, a symmetry-filled tantric representation of Bhairava, a symbol for Buddha in his relation to belief and community, and “the World personified” to the Jains. He is part of a triad with his brother Balabhadra (Shiva) and his sister Subhadra (a manifestation of Durga or Laksmi). His name does not appear among the traditional Dashavatara (10 avatars) of Vishnu, but is treated as the 9th avatar as a substitute for or the equivalent of the Buddha. His icon is a carved, brightly painted, rough-hewn neem stump with a square flat head, and a symmetric face but no neck, ears, or limbs. His large circular face indicates that he is anadi (without beginning) and ananta (without end). (The “Bhavishya Purana” declares neem to be the most auspicious wood from which to make Vishnu murtis.) Within this face are 2 big symmetric circular eyes with no eyelids, one symbolizing the sun and the other the moon.. He is shown with an Urdhva Pundra, the Vaishnava U-shaped mark on his forehead. His dark color and other facial features are an abstraction of the cosmic form Krishna. The 200+ ft-high Jagannath temple in Puri, Odisha, is particularly significant as a pilgrimage site.

    “Karunasara” is sorrow, 1 of the 9 emotions, as well as the “sentiment of pathos” used in dramatic performance. In the 17th century Ciranjiva Bhaṭṭacharyya said it is generated by excitants such as 1 of the 2 types of bereavement (caused by going to a distant place, or by death), ensuants like the shedding of tears, and variants such as debility. In “Sahityadarpana” (mirror of composition, written before 1384), Viswanatha Kajiraja claimed that Yama (Death) is its presiding deity.

    “Vanshavad” is dynastic rule. Pada + sparsh is “words” + “music” or “foot” + “touch.”

    The Dalits are the “Untouchables” who form the lowest caste in Indian society. “Caste” is from the Portuguese “casta” (race, breed, lineage), but “jati” (any group with a commonality such as religion, language, origin, geographical background, etc.) is the Indian term. According to the “Rig Veda,” Purush, the 1st man, destroyed himself to create human society: The Brahmans (priests, teachers) were created from his head, the Kshatrias (warriors, rulers) from his hands, the Vaishias (farmers, traders, merchants) from his thighs, and the Sudras (laborers) from his feet. Modern India has more than 3,000 castes and 25,000 subcastes, each related to a specific occupation, and the status dictates dietary habits and interaction with members of other castes. The Dalits exist outside the formal caste system; their jobs, such as toilet cleaning and garbage removal, require them to be in contact with bodily fluids, so they are considered polluted and not to be touched. They have separate entrances to homes and must drink from separate wells and are considered to be in a permanent state of impurity.

    The Girijan (“mountain people”) are members of any of India’s aboriginal peoples. The Economically Backward Class is defined differently in various states and institutions but are described as "socially and educationally backward classes" in the constitution.
