Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ajarn Wu Hsih redux

12th Septon Flow 

Mind seated in a posture
Enumerating the ephemerals
Cogitating of cognition
Rendering itself powerless
Awaiting for an iota of grace
Longing for the Beloved
To come and bestow
Even just a glance

Yes, a glance into a mirror
Image result for mirror self-love paintings
A Vanity -- Auguste Toulmouche

1 comment:

  1. According to Ajarn, "a Septon is a September-born nined verse or poem or poems related with 9 or compressed 9. I coined the name since I started the concept on 18th of September 2007. The number 9 or compressed 9 is used as a versatile measure in composing Septon poems, and septonists are those who write Septon poems."
