Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ajarn Wu Hsih redux

"trees of life"

two trees feeding on the same ground

growing together when they were found

years enjoying one sun and one moon

also drenched in the rains of monsoon

throu' them winds blow, hot and cold

they stood together, their roots tightly hold

yet they bear fruits not for each other

not even for a child, mother or father

they are the trees of life: good and evil

 mural, Bro kyrka, Gotland


  1. The Lutheran church at Bro, northwest of Visby, Sweden, was probably built on a pagan religious site. A Catholic church was erected in the 12th century, but the current structure was built in the 13th century, including its interior decoration.

  2. This is a deep deceptively simple little poem that reminds me of something that England's great poet-mystic William Blake could have written 200 years ago. For example, "A Poison Tree."

    I was angry with my friend:
    I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
    I was angry with my foe:
    I told it not, my wrath did grow.

    And I watered it in fears,
    Night and morning with my tears;
    And I sunned it with smiles,
    And with soft deceitful wiles.

    And it grew both day and night,
    Till it bore an apple bright.
    And my foe beheld it shine.
    And he knew that it was mine,

    And into my garden stole
    When the night had veiled the pole;
    In the morning glad I see
    My foe outstretched beneath the tree.
