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Monday, June 24, 2019

A. V. Koshy redux

When your feet are dust-laden
And the evening's near
The road drags to your den

All alone, you meander

Not knowing what you search for
Far away, a strange song sounds
Enticing. Petrichor
Invades, on cue, your mind's bounds

Love is a dream
Desire's never fading
Rain cools your anguish, as if you're bathing
Your feet in some cold, nearby stream

You enter your room, sweat-wet
And look at the trees darkening
Outside, some lovers' undoing
But you are trapped by a frozen debt

As you once loved a woman
Who loved you, a dove
It was love, yet not love
So achingly human
Image result for feet in river paintings
Seated Figure, Feet in Harbour -- Euan Macleod

1 comment:

  1. In a 1964 article in "Nature," Isabel Joy Bear and Richard G. Thomas coined a word for the earthy scent produced by rain falling on dry soil. "Petrichor" ids derived from the Greek "petra" (stone) and "ichor," the ethereal blood-like fluid inside gods and immortals. The 2nd-century Christian theologian Titus Flavius Clemens called the foul-smelling watery discharge from a wound or ulcer "ichor." According to Bear and Thomas, during dry periods, certain plants exude an oil which is absorbed by clay-based soils and rocks; rainfall releases the oil into the air along with another compound, geosmin, a metabolic by-product of certain actinobacteria, thus producing the distinctive scent.
