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Sunday, June 30, 2019

A. V. Koshy redux

Swapna Sundari (1)
(First Draft.)

Author's note: I have tried to catch/net in poetic ellipsis what cannot ever be trapped so, especially only by words. Only poetry can even try! This poem, composed of these poems, is thus indirect and only tries to invoke, inside one, the sweetness of the experience of a rare transcendence given to a rare, fortunate few on earth to experience, that too, only for a brief while....
The Grecians had three or nine Muses but I think I have only one or ten.

Prologue or Invocation to the three Kharites

Euthymia (2), my love
be always at my right
Thalia (3), be my sole clear light
Aglaea (4), at the centre of my blight
remove this slight stain fallen on my poor sight
May my heart revive with the strength drawn
from your old world of graces
& charities
and I again troth my one dear plight
to my triage of quality: steadfastness bright
persisting, perforce perseveringly
& enduring; all my heart's true delight.
(1) Dream Beauty.
(2) Euthymia is a normal non-depressed, reasonably positive mood. Jollity. One of the three Graces or Charities. More popularly known as Euphrosyne. Grecian in origin but also Latin and Western/Christian. My graces or charities or Muses are Indian, both Christian and Hindu. They are the three facets of truth , namely steadfastness, persevarence/persistence and endurance that lead to victory. Sathyamevajayathe..
(3) Thalia - Festivity, rich banquet, flourishing

(4) Aglaea - also Charis, the most beautiful of the three, meaning splendour or glory.
 FR: Paintings

1 comment:

  1. The Kharites (Charites) were usually regarded as the daughters of Zeus and the oceanid Eurynome, the goddess of good order and lawful conduct (though Eurydome, Eurymedousa, or Euanthe were also named as their mother); sometimes they were described as the daughters of Dionysus and Aphrodite or of Helios and the naiad Aegle. Homeros wrote that, as part of the retinue of Aphrodite and Eros, they loved dancing with the nymphs and the Muses to the accompaniment of Apollo's music. The 5th-century BCE poet Pindaros claimed they were created to fill the world with pleasant moments and good will.

    Euthymia (“good thumos”) was a goddess of joy or mirth, the incarnation of grace and beauty. (“Thumos” indicated a physical association with breath or blood and was also used to express the human desire for recognition; it was a permanent possession of living humans, to which their thinking and feeling belonged. Homeros used the word to denote emotions, desire, or an internal urge; a Homeric hero under emotional stress sometimes externalized his thumos and conversed with or scolded it. Platon regarded it as one of the three constituent parts of the human psyche: in the “Phaedrus” he depicted “logos” as a charioteer driving the two horses eros [erotic love] and thumos [spiritedness], while in “The Republic” he divided the soul into nous ["intellect"], thumos ["passion"], and epithumia ["appetite"].) Democritus used "euthymia" to refer to a condition in which the soul lives calmly and steadily, being disturbed by no fear, superstition, or other passions. For Democritus euthymia was one of the root aspects the goal of human life, the "chief good,” which, according to Diogenes Laertius, denoted "cheerfulness, a condition according to which the soul lives calmly and steadily, being disturbed by no fear, or superstition, or other passion." Lucius Annaeus Seneca defined euthymia as “believing in yourself and trusting that you are on the right path, and not being in doubt by following the myriad footpaths of those wandering in every direction.” In modern medicine euthymia is a normal non-depressed, reasonably positive, or neutral mood.

    Thalia was the goddess of festivity and rich banquets. The Greek "thalia," as an adjective applied to banquets, meant rich, plentiful, luxuriant, and abundant.

    Aglaea ("splendor, brilliant, shining one") was the goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, and adornment. Also known as Charis (the Grace) and Cale (Beauty), she sometimes acted as Aphrodite's messenger and was married to her own 1/2-brother Hephaestus, the god of smithing and volcanoes, after his divorce from Aphrodite; they were the parents of Eucleia ("Good Repute"), Eupheme ("Acclaim"), Euthenia ("Prosperity"), and Philophrosyne ("Welcome").
