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Monday, June 24, 2019

John Sweet writes

a new religion and the stench of corpses

this man with his hands cut off,
with his eyes gouged out,
wants to tell us his plans to rule the world

let the beautiful people fuck,
let the starving starve,

and is this really any different than

where we are now?

the myth of christ


the myth of superman

the fact that neither one

will save any of us

the fact that every song

is a song about death

that what we love the most is

what we can lose,

is what can be taken away, and what i

remember from the last day i saw you

                                      is the sunlight

the emptiness of the sky

20 years of my life spent

crawling down dead-end streets or

pinned to the rocky soil of barren fields and,

                                                      in the end,

                                                  i am only me

in the end, we are always defined

by the distances between us

we are always moving

further apart
 Image result for christ superman paintings
 Jesus Christ Superman --John Haldane

1 comment:

  1. Though the original followers of Jesus believed he was the mashiach (messiah) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, they referred to him as "Jesus of Nazareth" or "Jesus, son of Joseph." A bit later St. Paul, whose epistles to various churches are the earliest texts of the New Testament, often referred to him as "Christ Jesus" or just "Christ," a Greek title (Khristos), meaning "the annointed." The followers of Jesus then became known as Christians (as in Acts 11:26). Jews and Christians alike believe in the messiah as a Jewish king descended from David who will be "anointed" with holy oil as the ruler of God's terrestrial kingdom. Jews do not believe that the messiah has appeared yet, while Muslims believe Jesus (ʿIsa) was the al-Masih and that he will come again but do not accept his divinity or that he was the Son of God. Jesus was denounced for blasphemy by the Jewish religious council of Jerusalem and crucified by the Romans.

    Superman made his debut in "Action Comics" #1 in 1938. The character was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the children of European Jewish immigrants. Although the original story revealed that he had been sent to Earth as a baby before his home planet was destroyed, biographical details were only slowly revealed. The character, however, was an immediate success, and about 6 months after his debut he began appearing in a newspaper comics strip in which it was revealed that his real name was Kal-L. In a 1942 novelization by George Lowther, who scripted the Superman radio programs, the name was spelled Kal-El, a name which sounds like the Hebrew "light" or "vessel" or "voice" of God. Due to the antisemitism that was prevalent in the US, Siegel was careful not to overtly point out the many convergences between Superman and Jewish culture (including the notion from the Kabbalah that after the divine vessel was shattered Jews were called on “to repair the world” ("tikkun olam"). However, Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda, was more perceptive than most American readers; in an April 1940 issue of the weekly SS newspaper "Das Schwarze Korps" he denounced Siegel as "an intellectually and physically circumcised chap who has his headquarters in New York.... The inventive Israelite named this pleasant guy with an overdeveloped body and underdeveloped mind “Superman," a “pleasant guy with an overdeveloped body and underdeveloped mind” in order among American youth.
