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Monday, July 15, 2019

Jake Cosmos Aller writes

Yesterday Morning

Yesterday morning, I awoke
Like most mornings

I was still dead I walked
Out of my drug infested slum
Into my computerized car
Down the freeways of my mind
Searching for the pot of golden dreams

I stopped in at a restaurant
Drank copious amounts of free coffee
And saw all the people

One by one disappearing into the crowds
All I knew was wrong

Or worst yet a figment of your imagination
Every person changed
Transformed into an interchangeable computer's robot

All the same
All the same

Everything living in instant suburbia
Moving their meaningless life

All the same all the same
Not me screamed my coffee as I sat
Yet another victim
Of our creeping collective insanity

Just cogs in the wheel
Cogs in the wheel

And so I go down the road
And get in line
Related image
Republikanische Automaten (Republican Automatons) - George Grosz

1 comment:

  1. My aim is to be understood by everyone. I reject the "depth" that people demand nowadays, into which you can never descend without a diving bell crammed with cabalistic bullshit & intellectual metaphysics. This expressionistic anarchy has got to stop... A day will come when the artist will no longer be this bohemian, puffed-up anarchist but a healthy man working in clarity within a collectivist society.

    -- George Grosz
