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Friday, July 5, 2019

Terence Sykes writes & shoots


electrons protons neutrons
DNA chromosomes genes
I share none of these
in common with those
around & about me
my soul is not from here
surely I was
sired & birthed
in a distant galaxy
abandoned by passing
comet or meteorite
now bound & enslaved
upon this planet plane
longing to return
what once unknown
genetic drift that
brought me here
from some falling star 


1 comment:

  1. "Allele" is a short form of allelomorph ("other form", a word coined by British geneticists William Bateson and Edith Rebecca Saunders) which was used in the early days of genetics to describe variant forms of a gene detected as different phenotypes. Each gene is located at a specific location on a chromosome in 2 copies (1 from each parent), but the copies are not necessarily identical due to mutation, in which case they are alleles.
